I currently work full time as a marketing assistant with the Higher Education team at Oxford University Press.

I am also a philosophy Ph.D. candidate at Fordham University in New York City. In 2018, I received my B.A. in communications and philosophy from Fordham College at Lincoln Center. In 2020, I received my M.A. in philosophy as part of the Ph.D.

My dissertation research concerns the role of emotions and appearance in the German American thinker Hannah Arendt’s politics. My other research interests are wide-ranging: I have read extensively on philosophical responses to the Holocaust, philosophy of religion, theology, and metaphysics.

I am also an avid photographer who has done a number of paid photoshoots. I created and managed the Fordham Philosophy Department’s social media from 2018-2020, and was the principal photographer for all department events.

When I’m not working, I love obsessing over HBO’s Succession, traveling to new places, listening to music at inadvisable headphone volumes, reading fiction and non-fiction totally unrelated to my research (one of my annual goals is to read 100 books, and I finally reached it in 2022 after 7 years of trying!), and eating fries.

